Your Dreams Are Valid
You just have to work on them for them to be a reality
Your dreams are valid sounds so cool and positive and comforting.
And it is all those things, yet, their validity is not the thing that makes them come true.
You pursuing them; commiting to them; showing up over and over, that’s actually what gets you the life you desire.
Like the way Noah was building an ark although there was no rain in sight.
People jeered and laughed at him.
He paid them no mind.
The same attitude you should have if you want to validate your dreams.
No one else knows them, only.
So only you can make them cone true.
Don’t let people who’ve not seen what you’ve envisioned talk you out of it.
Yes, you can. If you both believe and put in the work.
So what dreams are you chasing?
Moulding Beauty.
P.S. I’ve finally decided to own my sales roots that I’ve been running from because of some of the slimy salespeople who make sales feel intrusive. Reframing sales as an opportunity to serve and help others find a solution to a problem has helped me embark on this journey and I’m excited to see where it takes me. I think this is how I achieve my soft life. 😌