The Thing About Falling and Getting Back Up
Because you don’t owe anyone perfection, just consistency.
And no, consistency doesn’t mean always getting it right.
It means the commitment to do the thing you said you’d do, as often as is humanly possible for you.
Missing a day of something doesn’t mean you’re inconsistent. A day is not a pattern. For it to be a pattern, you need to do it over a period of time.
This is mainly for my fellow perfectionists. Because we are the ones who get caught up with the, “I missed a day so I have to start over.”
Or, “I am the worst person cos I couldn’t show up as intended.” Meanwhile, you were in hospital fighting for your life. 👀
I know. The lack of grace towards oneself and one’s humanity, which is flawed and imperfect doesn’t make sense at all. Yet, we still indulge in it.
This is me trying to remind you to dust yourself off when you fall off track and get back on track.
The power is not in the falling but in the getting back up — and this, as many times as needed.
Yes, this is a note to myself, too, because I wasn’t able to post yesterday, although I’ve made a commitment to show up daily. My usual perfectionist self would be feeling oh so terrible for that. So much so that I’d be like, “Why do I even try?” But the recovering perfectionist me said, “Nah ah. Not today. The intention has been set. The commitment is there. We will show up as often as we humanly possibly can, and we will give ourselves grace for the days we don’t, regardless of the reason.”
I don’t know what your imperfect thing is today. Whatever it is, shake it off and give it another try. That you’ll fail is part of the human experience, so don’t let that hold you back.
Moulding Beauty.